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Growing Fluency

Cooking with Fluency!

By: Shelby Birdsong

Rationale: Reading fluency is needed to read words quickly, automatically, and accurately. Children are able to have reading comprehension and read with expression while adding emphasis on the words. Through this lesson, students will learn to read fluently through decoding, crosschecking, mental-marking, and rereading. They will also improve their reading rate and grow their confidence into more expressive and fluent readers.


Materials:    Enough copies of “Custard Surprise” by Bernard Lodge for the entire class

                         Prepared sample sentences for the teacher to model on the board

                         Stopwatches for each pair of students

                         Partner Reading Progress checklist

                         Cover critters for each student

                         Markers, googly eyes, and popsicle sticks for them to decorate their cover critter

                         Fluency chart

                         Reader Response Form

                         Line graph to track fluency with a burger

                         White board

                         EXPO Markers





  1. Say: “Today we are going to work on our reading! We are going to work on becoming more fluent in our reading which means we will be able to read words easily and correctly. I love reading books, and I especially love reading them with expression to make them more exciting. I can do this by reading fluently. Everyone can become a fluent reader, and we are going to practice this today! We will read the same book several times, and each time that we read the book we will become more and more familiar with the words and the story. This is called repeated reading! Once we have mastered this book, you will be able to easily read this to anyone!”

  2. Say “Now I am going to read a short passage to you. I’m going to read it two times, and when I am done I want you to tell me which time sounded better. Here is our first option: ‘But no one c/a/m, c/A/m/e, came for f/a/s/t.. (No, break fast doesn’t make sense but breakfast does. I need to finish these sentences to see what makes sense). In fact, no one came for hours.’ Now I will read it a second time: ‘But no one came for breakfast. In fact, no one came for hours.’    Raise your hand if you thought the first time sounded better. Now raise your hand if you thought the second time sounded better. Yes! The second time sounded so much better! This is what it sounds like to read fluently. I didn’t have to stop and sound out any words!

  3. Say “Did anyone notice how I stopped to think about what the word would be based on what made sense in the sentence? This is called crosschecking! We can crosscheck when we come to a word that we don’t know. To do this we have to finish the sentence to see if we can figure out the pronunciation of the word.”

  4. Say “Now let’s read the next line together as a class. There might be a word that you don’t recognize, but keep reading to figure out the pronunciation! Let’s read this together… ‘ “Isn’t anybody hungry?” asked Rufus.’ The word ‘anybody’ might have given some of you trouble, but you kept reading to see what pronunciation sounded best! Great job!”

  5. Say “Now this book is about two characters who wanted to open a diner together. They were so excited about their items on the menu, but no one seem interested in them. Everyone keeps ordering things that are not on the menu. I wonder what they will do?” Doing a book talk will get the students interested and curious about the story before going any further.

  6. Now you will explain the procedures for the next activity. As you explain them, write them on the board so that the students can refer back to them. Say “Now we are going to get with a partner to practice our reading. When you pair up with your partner, one person will need to come up and get the materials that you will need. Here is what you will need: 2 Partner Progress Checklists, 2 Reader Response forms, 2 copies of Custard Surprise, and 1 stopwatch. While that partner is getting the materials, the other partner needs to count all the words UNTIL page 17 and write that number at the top of your checklist forms. You then need to take 3 turns reading to page 17 to your partner. While one partner is reading, the other partner will use the stopwatch to time how your partner’s readings. You need to pay very close attention to how many mistakes your partner makes each time they read. Make a check mark on a sheet of paper every time they make a mistake on a word. After they finish reading, subtract the number of checkmarks from the total number of words. Do this each time your partner reads. After each time your partner has read, record how many words your partner read during the amount of time you tracked with the stopwatch. Once you figure these two things out (they’re called progress measures), answer the two questions on the progress form about which was the smoothest and had the least amount of errors. Make sure you use complete sentences! When you are finally done timing one another, discuss the answers to the two questions. Each of you will write your answers on your own sheet of paper back at your desks.When you turn in your papers and checklists, I will give you a graph and three stickers. Then, I'll write your name on your graph and your stickers will go in the time spaces to show your reading rates. Take your graph to the reading board, on the fluency poster.

Partner Reading Progress Checklist

Total # of words in chapter: ______

Reader: ___________________________

Checker: __________________________

1: ___ Words in ___ seconds

2: ___ Words in ___ seconds

3: ___ Words in ___ seconds

Which turn sounded the smoothest? _______

Which turn had the least number of errors? ______



Reader Response Form

Name ________________________________

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, answer each question with at least one complete sentence.

1. What happens at the beginning of the story?

2. What does Rufus make to feed his customers at first, and what does the mule ask for?

3. How does Rufus give the mule what he wanted to eat?

4: What would you have done if you were Rufus?





OReilly, Virginia. Hop into Fluency.


Lodge, Bernard. (2007). Custard Surprise. New York: Harper Collins.



**Side Note: This lesson will work with any 2nd Grade “I Can Read” book. Some other books like this are The Best Seat in Second Grade, Junie B. Jones, Frog and Toad are Friends, The Camping Trip, and so much more! Just adjust the example passages, materials, and questions on the reader response form. 

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